
the trail of a family becoming

Be an accountable Christian

Guys, you know who you are.

We are so easily aroused sexually when explicit videos and images are just a click of a mouse away.

We don’t talk about it at church or fellowship, because don’t want to talk about it.

We don’t wanna talk about it, because we don’t see what we can do about it.

Yet we have seen how the world is twisted around us due to such uncontrollable desire.

We need to do something about it.

We need to act now.

I challenge you to keep your online presence accountable among fellow brothers whom you trust.

Go to and download their free apps. It will then keep a log of all the sites you visited and then email a report to your accountability partners (2) in a frequency you preferred (1,2 or every 4 weeks).

Nothing fancy. Just a report of all questionable sites and links to friend(s) you hold accountable for.

Yes, for IT genius like yourself, the apps can be easily stopped or disabled.

But you know whom you are deceiving —


just yourself.

Let me know if you want me to be your accountability partner. I will be asking 2 of you to do the same for me.

A community that really concern about the real you,

the one nobody is watching.

Do you want to be a part of this?