
the trail of a family becoming

Bad advertising

Okay, I get it — give your kids Scott¡¦s Emulsion cod liver oil, and they will turn into freaks.

So much for advertising.

Browsers ad campign

We all know that the “Hello, I’m a mac, and I’m a PC” ads campaign is officially over. Yet another front-line is developing among the internet browsers.

First Google Chrome’s speed test:

And then we have Opera’s parody as response:

A Mini in your hands

Imagine this: You¡¦re reading through a car magazine when you come to an ad for the new MINI Cabrio. The ad directs you to a URL, and once there, asks you to place your magazine in front of a webcam. Suddenly, and before your very own eyes, a 3D model of the new Mini appears on the page, and you are literally holding it in your hands. If you move it closer to the webcam, the Mini gets bigger, if you move it farther away, the Mini gets smaller, and you can twist, turn and rotate the model to look at it from any angle that you¡¦d like. It¡¦s like a miniature showroom in the palm of your hands, and you¡¦re in control.

Sounds futuristic, right?

Think again, because that¡¦s exactly what Mini has done with their latest series of magazine ads:

[link: the future of ads]




Books, books, books!

Okay, thanks Hilda for asking me if I need anything from ABC the other day. While I won’t go there unless I absolutely needed to due to their crazy markup, her courtesy does remind me that it is about time for my winter book purchase (if there is such a thing).

(Vincent T, stop playing with your new ps3 and feeling guilty, get some books to read indeed!)

Looking at my wishlist@amazon, I do have some titles in mind. But I do need some help from you.

Do any of you know of a good book on marketing and advertising? I don’t want a textbook, I need a simple and short gem on the subject, some what like Maeda’s The Laws of Simplicity on design.

(And no, please don’t tell me to read those “For Dummies” series….)

Can anyone give me some pointers?


Update (Aug 17 2007): Talking about books, Anson introduces everyone to the wonderful site Christian Book Summaries. I have added the link to my sidebar as well. Thanks!