
the trail of a family becoming


Once in a while I come across articles here and there about angels — what they look like, what miracles that happen around them, or how they have guarded certain lives. But I have to say that our modern fascination of angels really annoyed me at times. So when I come across Webber’s article this morning on the gender of angels  (Are Angels Male or Female?), I am scratching my head again. Why? Why do we have to know about the gender of angels? What purpose does that serve if this is a "He-angel" or a "She-angel", or neither, or both? Do we have to answer every single question which a curious mind can think of?

At a deeper level, I think it is a question which is fundatmentally wrong to begin with. Angels are messengers of God. What they look like, feel like, talk like does not matter, just as what the postman looks like that delivers your mail everyday matters to no one. In that sense, we should focus on the message the angel brings, not their appearances.

Moreover, angels represent God each time when they are in contact with humans. But this is not to say that their appearances resemble God and we should interpolate based on what they look like. Quite the contrary, we should be reminded that the angels are representing God and hence it is God talking through them. Again, what they like does not matter, just as what Scott McClellan (White House Press Secretary) looks like matters to no one. One should focus on what is actually revealing through this spokesman.

And to end this post, I would like say that I am not going to post any image of an angel with this entry because I don’t care.

Isn’t it time to focus on the master instead of the servants? I think this is precisely why the study of angels are so popular in the last 15 years. We are given a false sense of spirituality (whatever that word means nowadays) while at the same time, we can continue to ignore God. Isn’t that exactly what people want?