
the trail of a family becoming

Do nothing

Yes, let’s make it looks like we are doing something about ACNA, by making sure nothing actually happens.



伍德賢主教屬聖公會盧旺達教省,但他的工場不是非洲,真正的身分是非洲聖公會差派到 加拿大的宣教主教,更有趣的是,他本來就是在加拿大牧會,幾年前脫離加拿大教省,當眾撕破牧師委任狀,後轉投盧旺達教省,最近晉升主教。他的際遇迂迴曲 折,見證北美聖公會內部分裂的哀傷歷史。[全文]

[link: 國度復興報]


友人Anson 告之近期香港「教聲」 (issue 1758,  2009.11.15)有香港聖公會大主教鄺保羅的一篇頭版專訪。文中有小段是有關鄺大主教對近期加拿大兩位華人聖公會牧師被祝聖為主教的評論。





  1. 文章題到「溫哥華只有3間華人聖公會教堂,2間脫離了加拿大聖公會…」。事實是3間華人聖公會都離開了加拿大聖公會。
  2. 文中鄺大主教似在說新祝聖的華人主教是只負責牧養華人聖公會信徒。這是錯誤的。伍德賢主教負責的是加拿大的ACiC/AI教會,十數間的教會中,只有兩間是有中文崇拜。梁永康主教是加拿大ANiC教區中,推動亞裔(Asian)事工。
  3. 文章說到兩名華人主教是由不同的保守派聖公會組織所祝聖,這是事實的一半而已。伍德賢主教是由Kolini大主教祝聖為盧旺達的「宣教主教」(Missionary Bishop),而梁永康主教則是由新成立的「北美聖公會教會」(Anglican Church in North America)的Duncan大主教祝聖。不過兩位新主教都是Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) 的主教院成員之一。

此外,我也對鄺大主教以怎樣才應祝聖新主教的看法很有保留。從他的說話中看出,若溫哥華的聖公會基督徒人數不夠多,那就沒有需要祝聖任何華裔的主教。若同樣的邏輯應用在早期的香港,西人聖公會基督徒也不夠多,何需有洋人主教差到香港來?不但如此,鄺大主教是否不太了解甚麼是「宣教主教」(Missionary Bishop)?不過這可能性應該不大,因為就香港和中國為例,一般聖公會信徒對19世紀就有的「宣教主教」也不應該陌生呢!

與其單向內望(有幾多信徒,才可以有多少主教),我相信鄺大主教可以嘗試向教會的四壁外望,不論是在香港或是加拿大,試試問:「還有多少人還未信主 — 不論膚色、種族 — 還有多少人仍然在神的教會以外?」




註*: 專訪一文於12/22 終於出現於香港教聲網頁

Evangelical Anglican Reimaged

Please take some time to read Michael Jensen’s recent post, which he makes the following claim:

My conviction is that not only is being evangelical the most authentic way of being Anglican – we’ve been saying that for years – but also that being Anglican is a great way of being evangelical.

Read this timely call here.

History in the making

Anglican Leaders Begin Forming New Church in North America

WHEATON, Ill., Dec. 3, 2008 – Bishops, clergy and lay leaders from the United States and Canada unveiled a provisional constitution and the first set of canons for the new Anglican Church in North America at a news conference and worship service Wednesday at Wheaton Evangelical Free Church in suburban Chicago.

The movement unites 700 orthodox Anglican congregations, representing roughly 100,000 people, in an organization that members believe will be recognized as a province – the Anglican term for the church’s largest regional jurisdictions – by many of the world’s Anglican leaders

Read it all here.

  1. Provisional Constitution
  2. Provisional Canons

12/3 Live Stream

AnglicanTV will be live streaming the historic December 3rd worship service in Wheaton, IL, at which the Common Cause Partnership will make public the draft constitution of an emerging Anglican Church in North America and officially endorse the statement of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) and the Jerusalem Declaration. The service will begin at 7:30 p.m CST at the Wheaton Evangelical Free Church, 520 E. Roosevelt Road.

Crazy world

Yes, what a crazy world indeed.

If the Primates agree on action against the Southern Cone, conservatives are saying, then full-blown schism is inevitable. A conservative source says: ‘Martyn Minns, David Anderson, Bob Duncan and Greg Venables are not separating from the Anglican Communion. They have never said they are and are doing all they can to remain with the Anglican Communion despite all that TEC are doing which is unchecked by the Anglican Communion leadership.’

And if this is true, what a crazy “Anglican” world, that is.


New Anglican Province in North America

Thank you Anson to this breaking news which we have anticipated for so long:

Anglican Leaders seek to unite North American Churches
Draft Constitution to be Unveiled, Jerusalem Declaration Signed at Dec. 3 Chicago Gathering

WHEATON, IL, Nov. 14 — Leaders of the Common Cause Partnership, a federation of more than 100,000 Anglican Christians in North America, will release to the public on the evening of Dec. 3 the draft constitution of an emerging Anglican C–hurch in North America, formally subscribe to the Jerusalem Declaration of the Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON) and affirm the GAFCON Statement on the Global Anglican Future at an evening worship celebration in suburban Chicago.

This historic event comes in the wake of GAFCON held in Israel last June with leaders from more than one-half of the world’s 77 million Anglicans. At the close of that gathering, Anglican leaders released the Jerusalem Declaration and the GAFCON Statement on the Global Anglican Future, which outlined their Christian beliefs and goals to reform, heal and revitalize the Anglican Communion worldwide.

“One conclusion of the Global Anglican Future Conference held in Jerusalem last June was that the time for the recognition of a new Anglican body in North America had arrived,” observed Bishop Robert Duncan of Pittsburgh, moderator of Common Cause Partnership. “The public release of our draft constitution is an important concrete step toward the goal of a biblical, missionary and united Anglican Church in North America.”

Provinces, dioceses and parishes around the world have been making formal decisions to support the Jerusalem Declaration and the GAFCON Statement on the Global Anglican Future since its release this summer. Leading bishops and representatives of the North American Common Cause Partnership will officially subscribe to the Declaration and affirm the Statement at the public worship service at Wheaton Evangelical Free Church in Wheaton, IL at 7:30 p.m. CST on December 3. All Anglicans in attendance will also be given an opportunity to individually subscribe to the Declaration and affirm the Statement.

“We enthusiastically issue a public invitation to all fellow Christians in hopes that they will witness, participate in and celebrate our unity and common mission,” Bishop Duncan added.

Prior to the evening service, at 2 p.m. CST earlier on Dec. 3, a reception will be held at the Billy Graham Center in Wheaton to give thanks and learn about the mission of Christ Awakening. Rooted among Anglicans, Christ Awakenings are quickly spreading to the larger Christian community. The first Christ Awakening was held in September 2007 in Chicago. Since then, the grassroots movement of Christ Awakenings has held events in Vancouver, Ohio and New England to call Christians to work together, in unity, partnering for mission worldwide. After the reception, a media briefing with Common Cause leaders will follow at 5:30 p.m. CST, addressing the significance of the historic worship celebration that evening.

The Common Cause Partnership is a federation of Anglican Christians that links together eight Anglican jurisdictions and organizations in North America, including the American Anglican Council, the Anglican Coalition in Canada, the Anglican Communion Network, the Anglican Mission in the Americas, the Anglican Network in Canada, the Convocation of Anglicans in North America, Forward in Faith North America, the Reformed Episcopal Church, and the bishops and congregations linked with Kenya, Uganda, and South America’s Southern Cone. Together they represent more than 100,000 Anglican Christians worshiping each Sunday in the United States and Canada.
