
the trail of a family becoming



伍德賢主教屬聖公會盧旺達教省,但他的工場不是非洲,真正的身分是非洲聖公會差派到 加拿大的宣教主教,更有趣的是,他本來就是在加拿大牧會,幾年前脫離加拿大教省,當眾撕破牧師委任狀,後轉投盧旺達教省,最近晉升主教。他的際遇迂迴曲 折,見證北美聖公會內部分裂的哀傷歷史。[全文]

[link: 國度復興報]

Off to LA

I am on my way to LA. My first time. Too bad it is only an airport-hotel-church-hotel-airport overnight stay.



Feb 24 2009




A church without conversion is a dying church。或者,我可以抄這個教會、那個教會的成功秘笈,但最後的,還是我所牧養的教會,當中的人是否活像耶穌?而我,又是否活像耶穌?


We arrived.

Yes, we arrived safely. Thanks everyone for your prayers — especially for Jocelyn.

My ordination as Deacon will take place tonight (Tues, Feb 24) at 8pm. The place is Richmond Emmanuel Church (7451 Elmbridge Way, Richmond, BC). If you are available, please come and give thanks to the Lord together with me and my family.

Alan, I will see Anson tonight, see if the 3 of us can sit down and have a chat later this week.

Vancouver, here we come!

My family and I will head for Vancouver for a week. Other than taking a short time off (time-out?), Cc and I will have a short and private retreat with the retried Anglican Archbishop of South-East Asia, Archbishop Yong Ping Chung and his wife Julia.

On Tuesday night, I will then be ordained as deacon under AMiA (Anglican Mission in Americas). This is a crucial step for me to serve as pastor-in-charge of the new church-planting project in Toronto, Toronto Emmanuel Church, starting March 2009.

We are so grateful for God’s providence in the past few years in MGC. Please keep me and my family in your prayers as we step out, and get into this whole church-planting business! We believe that it will be a humbling, challenging and exciting step forward for us all at the same time!

Emmanuel – God with us!

in the bond of love

What is it that makes a bunch of Christians, who never met before in their entire life, sing and share and live together as a family in the bond of love?

Yes, this is communion of saints as it should be.

On the way…

I am on the way again. My 5-day conference is over. Will hit the road soon. For my friends in Toronto, see you tomorrow!

And so it begins…

And so it begins:

It is midnight and I am finally in Greensboro, NC. No, nothing unexpected happened. Just that my connecting flights are hours apart…

But I do thank my sister for getting my battery charger and cell phone all the way from home to the airport!