
the trail of a family becoming

+Welby on preaching the Gospel

As you might have read, Bishop of Durham, Justin Welby, will be our next Archbishop of Canterbury.

While digging a bit on him, I found an interview he did with Nicky Gumble last year, in which he said:

If we preach the Gospel, if we make it straightforward and simple, make it easy for people to find Christ, don’t put barriers in the way, churches will grow. And the point about growing churches is that as people are converted and are transformed by the grace of God, that grace overflows into the world around them, and will transform the world around us.

And, my goodness, we need it.

Well said indeed!

God does not do waste

In his annual televised New Year Message the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams reflects on how a ‘disposable’ attitude to living can affect other areas of life and that ‘God does not do waste’. Filmed in Canterbury Cathedral and at a nearby recycling centre.