
the trail of a family becoming

Arguing with Scripture

面對新約作者引述舊約經文的情況,一直以來我總是有一個基礎性的問題找不著答案:不同的學者都假設了第一代的讀者對舊約聖經瞭如指掌(真正的問題,學者告訴我們,是現代的讀者失卻了這樣對舊約熟悉的了解)。或者,對有猶太背景的信徒,這可能是合理的假設,但不要忘記當中,特別是保羅書信中的教會,也有一大群的外邦信徒。當面對教會中出現的Judiazers(鼓吹基督拯救只是開始,真正可以stay in的信徒必需以猶太的律法和傳統來繼續生活),這些外邦信徒,面對保羅引用舊約聖經,和那些猶太化鼓吹者對舊約的詮釋,他們對舊約聖經的認識,能幫助了解誰是誰非嗎?


我曾經請教過Scot Mcknight這個問題,他指在當時的教會應該有一些比較認識舊約的猶太信徒,在不同的教會幫助其他人,另外他說我們不應低估活在口傳文化中(oral culture)的人,他們對所聽到資料的記憶能力,遠比我們想象的高。



留意早前在Steve Moyise的訪問,提到Christopher Stanley的Arguing with Scripture: The Rhetoric of Quotations in the Letters of Paul。看看簡介,竟然讀到這一段

Key questions include why Paul quoted words of Scripture to support some of his arguments and not others; how quotations help to advance the developing arguments of Paul’s letters; and how a mostly illiterate first-century audience from a variety of backgrounds might have viewed these sudden intrusions of material from a jewish religious text. Answering these questions requires paying careful attention to the affective and poetic dimensions as well as the intellectual aspects of the original audience’s encounter with the Holy Scriptures of Israel.

Moyise說這書是 Stanley 對 Richard Hays 的大作 Echoes of Scripture in the Letters of Paul 的一個回應。嘩!豈不正是我問的問題?

