
the trail of a family becoming

Meaning of life?

Faith and Theology的Ben 貼了巴特的一段話,對「買書多,沒有窮盡」的我們,是很好的提醒:

Meaning of life?

Collecting books? No, read them!
Reading them? No, think about!
Thinking about? No, do something for God and for your neighbour!
—Karl Barth, Basle, 2.11.1954


Ben Myers的Faith and Theology那邊開始了新的系列叫Encounters with Tradition,頭炮由Queensland的博士生Aaron Ghiloni分享自己離開五旬宗的經歷。開始的時候他說:

Like many Pentecostals, I was nurtured in revival. From birth, I was born-again on a weekly basis (if not more frequently). This was my life, my family’s life. Therefore, departing was incredibly difficult. If you’ve gone through this, you will know what I mean. It was obvious that I must leave – still, leaving was gruelling.

事實上,離開自己的家永遠是痛苦的,除非你所離開的,你從來都沒有以它為家。我鄙視那些動不動就讓著要離開教會(個別教會),轉到另外一個教會聚會的人:「分手避免尷尬」、「意見方向不同」、「受到傷害」都是「冠冕堂皇」的原因;但有多少選擇離開的人真正體會不是「他們欠了我」,已是「我欠了他們」的哀愁?不論Aaron Ghiloni由五旬宗轉到聖公宗,是聖公宗轉到五旬宗也好;多少人會明白「I must leave」(無奈和痛苦)和「I want to leave」(狂妄和自私)的分別?


Being a part of this or that movement is no longer that important. And while for career purposes I may identify myself with a particular church, it is not because they have won my devotion. I simply cannot change the fact that my heart beat the hardest and my blood pumped the fastest at an old Pentecostal altar.




  • 水禮:逢每月最後一個主日舉行
  • 聖靈的浸:逢每月第二個主日舉行




Conversations with Poppi about God

Ben just posted and introduced us to a new book entitled "Conversations with Poppi about God". One of the authors is none other than the famous Princeton theologian Robert Jenson. But this time, he seems to meet his match, as his co-author appears to be much more adventurous and open and full of insights just to say the least.

Who's that? Solveig Lucia Gold, Jenson's (Poppi) eight-year-old granddaughter. According to Ben, take this for example:

Solveig: When people thought of Santa Claus – the idea of Santa Claus is very much like God…
Poppi: No. It’s not.
Solveig: Sort of. He’s just very jolly and very…
Poppi: […] He is a little bit like God…
Solveig: Very much like God.

And how about this:

Poppi: Actually, I agree with you too. I think Father, Spirit, Son is probably a better arrangement.
Solveig: Have you thought that since you were born, or have you…
Poppi: No, just the last couple of years.
Solveig: You did?
Poppi: Yeah.
Solveig: When you started reading all these theologians?
Poppi: I am a theologian; I don’t just read them. It’s an idea that’s floating around with a lot of us these days. Colin Gunton – our friend who just died – was very big on having the Holy Spirit in there right from the start.
Solveig: He’s probably listening to us right now.
Poppi: Could be.

I think it is just delightful to talk to kids about God. Each time I am surprised by their casual and yet insightful comments. I already said that my 19-month-old could be a great cultural critic, but I am equally surprised today by her ability to pinpoint the keywords while listening to the bible-sing-along on the way to her babysitter:

"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe." (proverbs 18.10)

and she echoed by saying "… are safe…. are safe….. are safe….. are safe…." 

I always think the Holy Spirit has a special way to communicate with little children that is beyong words, logic and reasons. One day when you become someone else's father, you will know what I mean. 

Theology for beginners


若你坦然對「神學」 有興趣卻又不知如何開始是好;被那些艱深的詞彙嚇得魂飛魄散,那我鼓勵你看看澳洲的神學工作者Ben Myers剛開始的Theology for beginners系列:

Series Title Page

    1. Faith
    2. Theology
    3. Gospel

    4. Israel
    5. Jesus
    6. Crucifixion
    7. Resurrection

    8. Triunity (as opposed to static unity)
    9. Election

    10. Creation
    11. Creatures
    12. Humans

    13. Deity
    14. Descent
    15. Ascent


    16. Spirit
    17. Church
    18. Freedom
    19. Forgiveness
    20. Mission

    21. Completion
    22. Glorification (new!)

