
the trail of a family becoming

Alive, still

No, I am still alive.

Just swamped with all the happenings and craziness of life and work.


If you still haven’t got a chance to express your support to the “comfort women” motion 291, please do so by filling out this online petition, before 3pm today.

BTW, where have all the Christians gone?

Happy Long Weekend

Out of town for a few days. Blogging will resume Tuesday.

Have a great long weekend (if you live in Canada!)

Theme at work

Theme at work, will take a while for everything to work properly.

Story to tell.

Things are getting pretty quiet here in blogdom. I guess most of the people have forgotten about blogging altogether. Can someone tell me what happened to these people in our blogging world?

Blogging is a way of life. If you just think blogging is cool and so start your own, you will quit eventually. To blog means that you have a story to tell, and that you still have the passion to tell it. To blog means that you refuse to be devoured by the busyness and craziness of life; that you want to tell your story, instead of being told what your story should be.

Is there any new-comer or long-time blogger who want to reveal yourself and let us know that you still have a story to tell?


Heading for pastoral retreat

I am heading off to the pastoral retreat tomorrow (Monday). Blogging will resume in a few days.




下面是我的Bloglines戶口的screenshot(click to enlarge): 









至於Jessica,唔知攪乜,攪失蹤,唯有take out…

Can this be? Part III

More heart attack!! — Cc’s sisters Tammy and Winnie are blogging as well!!

Speaking of blogging, what’s going on with Jessica’s blog? Does anyone know?

Behold the POWER of sisters! 

Come on, anyone else? Mom, do you blog too? You know this time of the year, I really can’t assume who blog and who doesn’t anymore.


Wow, what do you know?! Here is Fanny’s.