
the trail of a family becoming

New blog!


more links

I have included quite a few more links to the sidebar, all of which I visit frequently.

Story to tell.

Things are getting pretty quiet here in blogdom. I guess most of the people have forgotten about blogging altogether. Can someone tell me what happened to these people in our blogging world?

Blogging is a way of life. If you just think blogging is cool and so start your own, you will quit eventually. To blog means that you have a story to tell, and that you still have the passion to tell it. To blog means that you refuse to be devoured by the busyness and craziness of life; that you want to tell your story, instead of being told what your story should be.

Is there any new-comer or long-time blogger who want to reveal yourself and let us know that you still have a story to tell?







  1. Disruptive Grace:Chris TerryNelson是Princeton的M.Div生。能夠被列也入他的”Theology Blogs”最大原因可能是我之前寫過一篇論巴特釋經的文章。要知道Princeton是巴特研究的重鎮嘛!(當然,另一個原因可能是Chris唔識中文,所以我寫一大堆同神學「唔拉更」的題目他也不知!哈哈!)
  2. Karl Barth Society of Amherst:又是另一個討論巴特的blog。特色是這是個學會式的網址,而這次Becoming是屬於”Blogs That Touch On Barth”一列。嘩!實在榮幸、榮幸!
  3. ar_hoi:完全不知道你是誰。我們是認識的嗎?我想你應該比我年紀小一點,而且身在香港。再加上你連我的名字”Edmund”也寫成”Edmond”,我們應該不相識罷?是甚麼原因你連上了Becoming?
  4. Changing or Remaining:Ben Wu是台灣中原大學畢業生,碩士論文是”Revelation and History in Barth’s Theology (1910-1939)”,現正在愛丁堡的New College作博士生。嘩!年青有為啊,加油!
  5. 還有一些零星的連結,都是by post的那種,所以不錄了。

除此之外,還有一群所謂「OYB」的bloggers的blogroll,是以One Year Bible讀經的朋友的分享。不知何時Becoming被他們收在這Blogroll內,所以不少blogs都因此連上Becoming。

各位「不認識的友好」,謝謝你們的連結,有空leave a comment吧!

Updated: Mar 20 2007:

剛留意到香港的「豪仔」也將Becoming列入他的Blogroll,謝謝!豪仔剛完成了中神的MTh,研究題目為”The Communal Identity as ‘Israel’ in 1QS and 1 Peter“。另外,他的太太正於待產中,祝願一切平安!

Updated: May 15 2007:

謝謝溫哥華AFC的Alan Yu,列我為他Web Friends之一。他說自己是「青年工作者」,但看看他的Blog,就可知他實在是「十項全能」番番掂!

Updated: Sep 01 2008:


