
the trail of a family becoming

Anne Rice: “Stations on a Journey”

Anson talks about the article from CT, whereas this one is taken from beliefnet with a bit more info on what her book is about (at the bottom of page 2).

Anne Rice: "Stations on a Journey" (via beliefnet)

The best-selling author gives up writing about vampires to write about the "ultimate supernatural hero"–Jesus Christ.

"I will never write those kind of books again — never," Rice said, referring to three decades of work that include bestsellers like "Interview with the Vampire" and other books in the Vampire Chronicles series. Her books about witches and dark angels, she said, "were reflections of a world that didn’t include redemption." 

As of course, here can you find some criticisms on the novel (I just find it interesting when one can criticize the historical accuracy of a novel… is that even allow?)