讀到羅秉祥的這篇「教會應雍容大度對待同性戀者公民權」,再讀到 Louie Giglio 應邀為Obama 就職領禱卻被人拉下馬,我覺得很難過。
讀到羅秉祥的這篇「教會應雍容大度對待同性戀者公民權」,再讀到 Louie Giglio 應邀為Obama 就職領禱卻被人拉下馬,我覺得很難過。
While searching for some of the texts required for the course I am going to attend next week, I came across this:
The WSCF-AP Book Series Publication Project started in 1976 in order to provide students and youth with wholistic understanding of society and church in the Asia Pacific region as well as the world.
The Book Series is a theological attempt to articulate ecumenical vision and mission in the context of Asia-Pacific society where poverty, hunger, oppression, injustice and human rights violation prevail. The Book Series addresses the critical issues of the Asia Pacific context.
It includes the peasantry and their social revolution; theology of the People’s Struggle (Philippines); Minjung Theology (Korea); women’s struggle; interfaith dialogue; peace and conflict transformation; education and liberation; as well as ecumenism.
Some of the titles there are from WCC written in the 80’s. Most authors came from Christian traditions outside of Evangelicalism. Nonetheless, it should be a good source of Christian materials written by and for those living in the Asia-Pacific.
從 Gabriel 到 littleho 到 Anson。讓我也來湊湊熱鬧。
我相信突破曾有過清晰異象。問題是所謂「正面的讀物」,不論是多麼動聽,但事實卻是社會與教會兩面都不討好的。再延伸一點看,這是信仰在所謂「文化更新」的無糊與無奈。「突破」走的是由counter culture到transform culture的路,但要 transform,那就不能只縮在一角「吶喊」。但融入建制,那又是相當risky的,因為你永遠無法預測最後是誰「熔」了誰?
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You become like what you worship. You reflect the one you worship.
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Those who help me understand what He said
What we think He is saying
What the world is saying
What the world is expressing
We depend so much on technology, yet we hardly care to know anything about it.
Great minds I finished (or gave up) wrestling with
Great minds that demand me to wrestle with
Where they are
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