
the trail of a family becoming

CD pre-pub ends soon!

I first mentioned about the CD-Rom version of Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics back in 2006. Digitized by Logos, “this is the newly revised, forthcoming edition of Barth’s Church Dogmatics, which reflects the work of a team of leading experts at Princeton Theological Seminary’s Center for Barth Studies. It is not currently available in print. The text is presented in a new, user friendly format, and all Greek and Latin passages will include English translation alongside the original.”

The projected ship date is 4/21/2008. This means the pre-pub discount ($510.30 CAD /499.99 USD will end soon! (Sales price will be $714.38 CAD/ 699.95 USD after publication). The current paperback version is priced at $460 USD.

Anson, you HAVE to get this, or you will regret it later on!

[Logos: Barth’s Church Dogmatics Coming Soon!]
[Logos: Barth’s Church Dogmatics (14 volumes)]


「死亡的意義就是不存在了;那些不存在的人,不再可以決定或行事,他也不能成為別人決定或行事的對象。死人復活並不是別人可以參與的一種可能性,當它發生了,就只有神是在那裡工作。叫死人起來,並賜死人生命,就像叫無有的成為有,是只有神能獨力完成的,完全沒有合作的可能。」(來11.19; 林後1.9; 羅4.17)

— Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, IV/1, p.301。引自楊牧谷,《作祂的僕人—哥林多後書研讀》,頁174-5。

CD on CD

CD-rom, that is.

Logos is releasing a CD-rom version of Barth’s Church Dogmatics. This is certainly good news indeed! (via Ricoblog

And speaking of Barth, Ben Myers just created another Faith and Theology podcast entitled, "Karl Barth’s witness". Don’t miss it!

Thanks for mentioning Ben!

I am happy that my little piece on Barth’s exegesis even got mentioned by Australian theologian Ben Myers in his blog Faith and Theology. Thanks a lot, Ben!

The Exegesis of Karl Barth In §59.2 of Church Dogmatics IV/1

Remembering Barth on the 37th anniversary of his passing, I wrote a little précis and reflection on §59.2 of CD IV/1.

The Exegesis of Karl Barth In §59.2 of Church Dogmatics IV/1

The Theology of Karl Barth is essentially a retelling of the Gospel Story. Theology in itself is not the revelation; it is not even the extension of such revelation. It is at most the ordered human reflection on the revelation that happened in space and time. As a result, Barth follows neither the route of the metaphysical nor the existential approach, but rather focuses his theology on the Word of God. And he does not simply focus on any word of any god, but the One Word of God who takes the form of a human flesh (or more particularly a Jewish human flesh) in Jesus of Nazareth two thousand years ago. As the messenger to whom this message is committed is the Church, the basic and normative form of witness on which the Church is charged is the Bible. Hence exegesis becomes the foundation of his theology. And if one wishes to understand the thoughts of this great theologian, he or she must first examine the method behind his exegesis. [Read more]

Single-sentence summary on CD?

Probably challenged by Jim West’s post on Zwingli’s idea on the subject of pre-destination and free will, Benjamin Myers of Faith and Theology will offer his impossible single-sentence summary of each of the 13 books that make up the Church Dogmatics in a week! Why is it impossible? Because the massive Church Dogmatics stands as one of the longest theological works ever written, a work that is unfinished at about six million words by Barth’s death in 1968.

** Updates: **

My goodness, here we go:

  1. CD I/1
  2. CD I/2
  3. CD II/1
  4. CD II/2
  5. CD III/1
  6. CD III/2
  7. CD III/3
  8. CD III/4
  9. CD IV/1
  10. CD IV/2
  11. CD IV/3
  12. CD IV/4 (fragment)
  13. CD: Summary
  14. CD: Some personal choices
  15. CD: More personal choices