
the trail of a family becoming





And for those of you who went/will go to any DVC debunking seminar, please make sure you read this as well.


「Dan Brown相信Mary Magdalene同耶穌結了婚,並且指是君士旦丁透過尼西亞會議將耶穌神化,是四世紀的事件,本屬政治陰謀,並將其他異見打壓…聖經是要鞏固這陰謀而結集成書……我們怎能否定這個指控呢?請大家看看聖經,在XX書XX章XX節明說……」



用如此方法「回應 」DVC,也只有死路一條。這是為甚麼我一直不推銷甚麼「解碼」大會的原因。



不停地說,今天的人「心蒙脂油,耳朵發沉,眼睛昏迷」 ,卻不研究箇中原因和出路;一味慨嘆別人心硬、卻看不見信徒的腦袋好像在入教會前就已經在門前繳了械一般,這是好見證嗎?豈不是肯定了本來就是別人一直對我們的指控?

套用一句廣告Slogan: 「其實,你比你想象中更無知。」

Hays & Ehrman debate on DVC

Via BW3:

Audio Recordings of the April 25 Discussion on “The Da Vinci Code”
Talk at the divinity school featured Duke Professor Richard Hays, UNC Professor Bart Ehrman

April 28, 2006

Audio recordings of the April 25 discussion by professors Richard Hays and Bart Ehrman on “The Da Vinci Code” are now available.

Audio Recordings
Listen to:
An excerpt of the discussion (6 min)
The entire Beyond the Da Vinci Code event (1 hour, 45 min)

To save the event mp3 (24.3 Mb) to your computer:

• right click on: download Beyond the Da Vinci Code event
• choose “Save Target As…”
• save the file “ehrman_hays.mp3”

The discussion by Hays, George Washington Ivey Professor of New Testament at Duke Divinity School, and Ehrman, James A. Gray distinguished professor and chairman of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, was meant to address questions raised by the bestselling book, soon to be released as a film. The reliability of portrayals of Jesus in the Bible and other ancient texts was among the topics addressed.

The talk was sponsored by Duke Divinity School, Duke Chapel, Duke Socratic Club, Graduate Christian Fellowship, InterVarisity Christian Fellowship, Navigators, Westminster Presbyterian/UCC Fellowship and the Congregation at Duke Chapel.


Duke’s site: