
the trail of a family becoming

USHMM: Dietrich Bonhoeffer

I was trying to find the link to this page when I blogged on the 100th anniversary of Bonhoeffer’s birth last month. I search all around and could not find it. As I was browsing around the net tonight I came across it accidentially. So here is the link to the United States Holocaust Memorial Council (USHMM) online exhibition of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

Bonhoeffer 100th anniversary of birth

I have had time to think and to pray about my situation, and that of my nation, and to have God’s will for me clarified. I have come to the conclusion I have made a mistake in coming to America. I shall have no right to participate in the reconstruction of the Christian life in Germany after the war if I did not share in the trials of this time with my people. Christians in Germany face the terrible alternative of willing the defeat of their nation in order that civilization may survive, or willing the victory of their nation and thereby destroying civilization. I know which of these alternatives I must choose. But I cannot make that choice in security.

Today is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian famous for his resistance to Nazism. But while everyone is praising him for his bravery and encourage against Nazi Germany, how many of us truly understand his theology and the rationale behind the choice he made?

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