
the trail of a family becoming

Enoch, I am so proud of you

I am so proud of everyone in this fellowship. I think presenting this hymn together is a wonderful thing as well. May Jesus’ sacrifical love constantly compels us in our lives, our fellowship, our families and our marriages.

耶穌捨身十架 主祢為我犧牲
誠然擔起我的憂患 背負我的痛苦
流出寶血救恩湧流 讓我罪得赦免
喝下那苦杯 全然成就救贖
我主犧牲的愛 祢為我的過犯
撇下榮耀尊貴 降下捨身拯救
十架犧牲的愛 眾罪已得潔淨
祢是奴僕君王 權柄尊貴屬祢