Jun 19, 20070
- 在思想上肯定神已藉著耶穌基督的十字架,向你表明他絕對愛你,永遠愛你。祂對你的愛永不改變。
- 不要在你自己所處的困境中,嘗試去了解神怎麼會這樣。
- 去到神面前,祈求神幫助你從祂的角度去看清自己的困境。
- 等候聖靈。聖靈會藉著神的話語,幫助你明白自己的處境。
- 調整你的生命去適應神,和跟你所見神在你的處境中要做的工作配合。
- 完全順服神,做一切他吩咐你去做的。
- 經歷到神在你生命中作工,並且借著你去成就祂的計劃。
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You become like what you worship. You reflect the one you worship.
Those who keep on blogging
Those who help me understand what He said
What we think He is saying
What the world is saying
What the world is expressing
We depend so much on technology, yet we hardly care to know anything about it.
Great minds I finished (or gave up) wrestling with
Great minds that demand me to wrestle with
Where they are
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