
the trail of a family becoming

Oh, this one is very tempting….

April 4-6, 2013

Our conference title is drawn from the words of Jesus to his disciples, “On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles” (Matt. 10:18). The 2013 Wheaton Theology Conference explores the biblical and theological contours of the complex relationship between Christian faith and political authority. The conference seeks to deepen the church’s understanding of the political implications of the Gospel that proclaims Jesus Christ as Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Special attention will be given to the competing claims of homage, obedience, loyalty and sacrifice.

Speakers include William Cavanaugh, Tim Gombis, David Gushee, George Kalantzis, Peter Leithart, Mark Noll, Scot McKnight, Stanley Hauerwas and others!





會後,我追問林教授有關李提摩太(Timothy Richard)的宣教進路,並問及李氏的工作成敗的見解。


What would it look like if God were running this show?

What would it look like if God were running this show? NT Wright on the Public Meaning of the Gospels.

…That telling personal observation reflects a phenomenon about which I have been increasingly concerned: that much evangelical Christianity on both sides of the Atlantic has based itself on the epistles rather than the Gospels, though often misunderstanding the epistles themselves.

Indeed, in this respect evangelicalism has simply mirrored a much larger problem: the entire Western church, both Catholic and Protestant, evangelical and liberal, charismatic and social activist, has not actually known what the Gospels are there for.

Ecclesia reformata semper reformanda est.

Read it all here.

Faith in the public sector

Anson certainly does not waste his time in Vancouver! Seems like he is busy working out different aspects of his faith with respect to both the public and private sectors. Politics is what he is pondering lately.

While I don’t have any association with politics from my family, I just want to comment on 2 things:

  1. Don’t just focus on the politics in Hong Kong. Get to know more about politics in Canada and how it affects Canadian economy & the average Canadians. I notice this general lack of attention among Chinese Christians in North America and it certainly hurts our common Christian witnessing in our land.
  2. Democracy requires commonality, or else it will become the tyranny of the majority. The following quote makes it clear:

1994 年9月29日在斯坦福大學給他頒發拉斯頓(Jackson H. Ralston)獎時,哈維爾(按:前捷克共和國的總統、詩人、異議作家) 的演講就論及民主的前景。首先他指出「今天西方的民主形式在世界許多地方引發了 懷疑主義和不信任。我對[民主]這個拯救的藥 方並不滿意。… 事實上,它只是半個藥方。若不是這個藥方不夠完備,它不會像現在那樣不受信任。」 他認為「今天的民主走出自己陰影的能力,或者說超越自己當今精神和思想的條件與方向的能力十分有限。」 要 解決這問題,單憑架構的建立是不足夠的:「行政、立法、司法的三權分立,普選權,法治,言論自由,私有財產神聖不可侵犯。僅它們本身是不能保證人類的尊 嚴、自由和責任。這些最基本的人類潛能的根源存在於別的地方:它存在於超越個人的人類的相互關係中。」 對哈維爾而言,「真正普遍的,…能夠連接所有人類的,是對超驗的體驗。」

因此要建立民主的基礎,我們需要重拾人類的精神向度:「那個能讓民主贏得共鳴的被遺忘的民主維度到底在哪裡?它就是聯結所有文化並且實際上聯結著全體人類 的精神維度。… 它必須重新贏得尊重,因為精神的秩序不僅超越於我們,也存在於我們心里,存在於我們中間,而它是人們尊重自己、他人、自然秩序、人類的秩序,以及世俗權威 的唯一可能的、可靠的根源。對它的不尊重通常會導致對別的一切的不尊重,包括從人類給自己指定的法律到他們鄰國的生活再到我們生存的星球。一切道德規範的 相對性、權威的危機,均可歸結為不記後果而只追求直接物質利益的生活,這些正是西方民主被嚴加批判的地方,其根源並不在於民主而在於現代人所喪失了的東 西:它的超驗的支柱以及它的責任感和自尊自重的真正本源。」

總結而言,民主的確是人類唯一的希望,但「只有當它能與我們靈魂深處的本性發生共鳴時,它才能給我們施加有益的影響。如果這種本性的一部分是對超驗的體 驗,若是人類對超越其自身的東西的尊重沒有這種超越性,人將不成其為人,… 要使民主有成功的機會就必須在民主中灌輸尊重這種超越性的精神。」 「只 有…懷著對超越我們每個人以及我們所有人的一切的敬畏與感激,人類的相互依存和共通性(commonality)才能得到新的創造。全球性民主秩序的權威 只能建立在復活宇宙權威的基礎之上,舍此無它。」哈 維爾的討論指出,單靠排斥超越界的世俗主義去建立人權和民主是困難的,他沒有明顯說這超越精神一定是西方的人格神,但基督教的神正好能擔任「宇宙權威」、 超驗而普遍的根基等角色。哈維爾深受西方基督教傳統影響是不爭的事實,他結束時這麼說:「人類一旦忘記他自己並不是神時,他的短視將是何等的不可思議。」 (關啟文,基督教倫理與世俗主義倫理:一個批判性的比較

I would also recommend 2 books on the subject as well:

  1. 梁家麟,少數派與少數主義–中港教會評論集(二)
  2. 趙崇明主編,當教會遇上政治:政治實踐的神學反思