
the trail of a family becoming

Fear not!

Horace said in his blog:

The older we get, the less imagination we have, and we seem to see more obstacles than possibilities, more danger than fun, more “no” than “yes”. Fear starts to creep in and we are then more cautious than ever; and that alone suffocates the mind and spirit. Be brave, be strong, be adventurous and be faithful.

Amen to that!

But the fact is that we as gen-Xers are somehow stucked in the middle of nowhere. We lack the adventurous spirit of the baby-boomers, and yet we are constantly subverting orders and traditions with no idea how to built new ones. We are so afraid of the rapid changes. We are embracing things that we neither know nor have seen. We are in no man’s land. We fear. We are weak. And we know it. And is it by chance that the phrase which Jesus says the most in the Gospels happens to be …

“Fear not”?