
the trail of a family becoming

Conference of Interest

From Tyndale website:

This year’s conference seeks to re-examine key biblical texts, which traditionally have been interpreted as teaching or implying the doctrine of the Trinity. The modern period has seen a loss of confidence in traditional interpretations due to an exclusive focus on the historical meaning of the text and a corresponding neglect of the figurative or canonical meaning. This conference features paper which will interact with major interpreters of Scripture from all periods of church history and how they have derived theological teaching from Scripture.

The keynote speaker will be Dr. John Webster, Professor of Systematic Theology, King’s College, University of Aberdeen. His 2 talks are entitled “The Domain of the Word: (1) The Nature of Scripture”, and “The Domain of the Word: (2) The Interpretation of Scripture”.

Other speakers and the list of titles can be found here. The conference dates are May 28-30. The cost is $65.00 ($75.00 after May 1st).

Anyone interested?
