
the trail of a family becoming

CD pre-pub ends soon!

I first mentioned about the CD-Rom version of Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics back in 2006. Digitized by Logos, “this is the newly revised, forthcoming edition of Barth’s Church Dogmatics, which reflects the work of a team of leading experts at Princeton Theological Seminary’s Center for Barth Studies. It is not currently available in print. The text is presented in a new, user friendly format, and all Greek and Latin passages will include English translation alongside the original.”

The projected ship date is 4/21/2008. This means the pre-pub discount ($510.30 CAD /499.99 USD will end soon! (Sales price will be $714.38 CAD/ 699.95 USD after publication). The current paperback version is priced at $460 USD.

Anson, you HAVE to get this, or you will regret it later on!

[Logos: Barth’s Church Dogmatics Coming Soon!]
[Logos: Barth’s Church Dogmatics (14 volumes)]

Meaning of life?

Faith and Theology的Ben 貼了巴特的一段話,對「買書多,沒有窮盡」的我們,是很好的提醒:

Meaning of life?

Collecting books? No, read them!
Reading them? No, think about!
Thinking about? No, do something for God and for your neighbour!
—Karl Barth, Basle, 2.11.1954


二十世紀三十年代初,德國境內許多基督徒受強烈的民族意識薰陶,對希特拉的當權充滿期望。希特拉早年更揚言要團結德國的基督教會,並建立「正面的基督教」( positive Christianity ),博得不少基督徒支持。因此,當時「德國福音教會」( German Evangelical Church )內洋溢一片擁護納粹政權的呼聲。早於1932年,一群親納粹的國家社會主義基督徒已成立「福音基督教」( Evangelical Nazis )黨派;後來在希特拉推波助瀾下,正式改名「德國基督教」( German Christians ),在全國教會議會中,迅速取得三分之一議席,成為日後希特拉統一及操控全國基督教團體的政治工具。

「德國基督教」成為希特拉國家社會主義下的傀儡。他們主張德意志是上帝新揀選的民族;而希特拉則是德國的彌賽亞,也是上帝拯救德國的啟示。 當時,好些基督徒對「德國基督教」的信仰教義及宗教政策深感不滿,遂集結成一股宗教性的抗議力量,形成日後所謂的「認信教會」群體。

1934 年 5 月中旬,巴特與另外兩位神學家,在法蘭克福草擬一份神學共同認信宣言。於同月31 日的「巴門會議」(Barmen Synod)上,這份宣言由139 位來自18間認信教會的代表通過採納,成為認信教會的重要神學依據,稱之為《巴門宣言》。【參 納粹德國下的「認信教會」(1933-1945)

Theological Declaration of Barmen

I. An Appeal to the Evangelical Congregations and Christians in Germany

The Confessional Synod of the German Evangelical Church met in Barmen, May 29-31, 1934. Here representatives from all the German Confessional Churches met with one accord in a confession of the one Lord of the one, holy, apostolic Church. In fidelity to their Confession of Faith, members of Lutheran, Reformed, and United Churches sought a common message for the need and temptation of the Church in our day. With gratitude to God they are convinced that they have been given a common word to utter. It was not their intention to found a new Church or to form a union. For nothing was farther from their minds than the abolition of the confessional status of our Churches. Their intention was, rather, to withstand in faith and unanimity the destruction of the Confession of Faith, and thus of the Evangelical Church in Germany. In opposition to attempts to establish the unity of the German Evangelical Church by means of false doctrine, by the use of force and insincere practices, the Confessional Synod insists that the unity of the Evangelical Churches in Germany can come only from the Word of God in faith through the Holy Spirit. Thus alone is the Church renewed.

Therefore the Confessional Synod calls upon the congregations to range themselves behind it in prayer, and steadfastly to gather around those pastors and teachers who are loyal to the Confessions.

Be not deceived by loose talk, as if we meant to oppose the unity of the German nation! Do not listen to the seducers who pervert our intentions, as if we wanted to break up the unity of the German Evangelical Church or to forsake the Confessions of the Fathers!

Try the spirits whether they are of God! Prove also the words of the Confessional Synod of the German Evangelical Church to see whether they agree with Holy Scripture and with the Confessions of the Fathers. If you find that we are speaking contrary to Scripture, then do not listen to us! But if you find that we are taking our stand upon Scripture, then let no fear or temptation keep you from treading with us the path of faith and obedience to the Word of God, in order that God's people be of one mind upon earth and that we in faith experience what he himself has said: "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." Therefore, "Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."

II. Theological Declaration Concerning the Present Situation of the German Evangelical Church

According to the opening words of its constitution of July 11, 1933, the German Evangelical Church is a federation of Confessional Churches that grew out of the Reformation and that enjoy equal rights. The theological basis for the unification of these Churches is laid down in Article 1 and Article 2(1) of the constitution of the German Evangelical Church that was recognized by the Reich Government on July 14, 1933:

  • Article 1. The inviolable foundation of the German Evangelical Church is the gospel of Jesus Christ as it is attested for us in Holy Scripture and brought to light again in the Confessions of the Reformation. The full powers that the Church needs for its mission are hereby determined and limited.
  • Article 2 (1). The German Evangelical Church is divided into member Churches (Landeskirchen).

We, the representatives of Lutheran, Reformed, and United Churches, of free synods, Church assemblies, and parish organizations united in the Confessional Synod of the German Evangelical Church, declare that we stand together on the ground of the German Evangelical Church as a federation of German Confessional Churches. We are bound together by the confession of the one Lord of the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

We publicly declare before all evangelical Churches in Germany that what they hold in common in this Confession is grievously imperiled, and with it the unity of the German Evangelical Church. It is threatened by the teaching methods and actions of the ruling Church party of the "German Christians" and of the Church administration carried on by them. These have become more and more apparent during the first year of the existence of the German Evangelical Church. This threat consists in the fact that the theological basis, in which the German Evangelical Church is united, has been continually and systematically thwarted and rendered ineffective by alien principles, on the part of the leaders and spokesmen of the "German Christians" as well as on the part of the Church administration. When these principles are held to be valid, then, according to all the Confessions in force among us, the Church ceases to be the Church and the German Evangelical Church, as a federation of Confessional Churches, becomes intrinsically impossible.

As members of Lutheran, Reformed, and United Churches we may and must speak with one voice in this matter today. Precisely because we want to be and to remain faithful to our various Confessions, we may not keep silent, since we believe that we have been given a common message to utter in a time of common need and temptation. We commend to God what this may mean for the interrelations of the Confessional Churches.

In view of the errors of the "German Christians" of the present Reich Church government which are devastating the Church and also therefore breaking up the unity of the German Evangelical Church, we confess the following evangelical truths:

1. "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me." (John 14.6). "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs in by another way, that man is a thief and a robber. . . . I am the door; if anyone enters by me, he will be saved." (John 10:1, 9.)

Jesus Christ, as he is attested for us in Holy Scripture, is the one Word of God which we have to hear and which we have to trust and obey in life and in death.

We reject the false doctrine, as though the church could and would have to acknowledge as a source of its proclamation, apart from and besides this one Word of God, still other events and powers, figures and truths, as God's revelation.

2. "Christ Jesus, whom God has made our wisdom, our righteousness and sanctification and redemption." (1 Cor. 1:30.)

As Jesus Christ is God's assurance of the forgiveness of all our sins, so, in the same way and with the same seriousness he is also God's mighty claim upon our whole life. Through him befalls us a joyful deliverance from the godless fetters of this world for a free, grateful service to his creatures.

We reject the false doctrine, as though there were areas of our life in which we would not belong to Jesus Christ, but to other lords—areas in which we would not need justification and sanctification through him.

3. "Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body [is] joined and knit together." (Eph. 4:15,16.)

The Christian Church is the congregation of the brethren in which Jesus Christ acts presently as the Lord in Word and sacrament through the Holy Spirit. As the Church of pardoned sinners, it has to testify in the midst of a sinful world, with its faith as with its obedience, with its message as with its order, that it is solely his property, and that it lives and wants to live solely from his comfort and from his direction in the expectation of his appearance.

We reject the false doctrine, as though the Church were permitted to abandon the form of its message and order to its own pleasure or to changes in prevailing ideological and political convictions.

4. "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever would be great among you must be your servant." (Matt. 20:25,26.)

The various offices in the Church do not establish a dominion of some over the others; on the contrary, they are for the exercise of the ministry entrusted to and enjoined upon the whole congregation.

We reject the false doctrine, as though the Church, apart from this ministry, could and were permitted to give itself, or allow to be given to it, special leaders vested with ruling powers.

5. "Fear God. Honor the emperor." (1 Peter 2:17.)

Scripture tells us that, in the as yet unredeemed world in which the Church also exists, the State has by divine appointment the task of providing for justice and peace. [It fulfills this task] by means of the threat and exercise of force, according to the measure of human judgment and human ability. The Church acknowledges the benefit of this divine appointment in gratitude and reverence before him. It calls to mind the Kingdom of God, God's commandment and righteousness, and thereby the responsibility both of rulers and of the ruled. It trusts and obeys the power of the Word by which God upholds all things.

We reject the false doctrine, as though the State, over and beyond its special commission, should and could become the single and totalitarian order of human life, thus fulfilling the Church's vocation as well.

We reject the false doctrine, as though the Church, over and beyond its special commission, should and could appropriate the characteristics, the tasks, and the dignity of the State, thus itself becoming an organ of the State.

6. "Lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age." (Matt. 28:20.) "The word of God is not fettered." (2 Tim. 2:9.)

The Church's commission, upon which its freedom is founded, consists in delivering the message of the free grace of God to all people in Christ's stead, and therefore in the ministry of his own Word and work through sermon and sacrament.

We reject the false doctrine, as though the Church in human arrogance could place the Word and work of the Lord in the service of any arbitrarily chosen desires, purposes, and plans.

The Confessional Synod of the German Evangelical Church declares that it sees in the acknowledgment of these truths and in the rejection of these errors the indispensable theological basis of the German Evangelical Church as a federation of Confessional Churches. It invites all who are able to accept its declaration to be mindful of these theological principles in their decisions in Church politics. It entreats all whom it concerns to return to the unity of faith, love, and hope.


From: The Church's Confession Under Hitler by Arthur C. Cochrane. (Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1962) 237-2

So much happening…

There is so much happening around the world these days. Of course the biggest news in the Biblical world is that the tomb of Herod was found (see Bock's blog for a day by day updates).

Another "big" (and quite embarrassing to some) news is that the President of ETS (Evangelical Theological Society) Frank Beckwith resigned as a result of his decision to be received into full communion in the Roman Catholic Church (read Ben's entry and response here).

Also, today is the birthday anniversary to Karl Barth. And speaking of birthday, CK Barrett turns 90 last Friday, and a special NT Seminar was held in Durham.

And since I am here in Brazil. Poeple might notice that Benedict XVI is visiting Sao Paulo and people are rushing in to the city to see him.

There is so much happening around the world….

Grace & Resurrection

Grace is the incomprehensible fact that God is well pleased with a man, and that a man can rejoice in God. Only when grace is recognized to be incomprehensible is it grace.  Grace exists, therefore, only where the Resurrection is reflected. Grace is the gift of Christ, who exposes the gulf which separates God and man, and, by exposing it, bridges it.

Karl Barth, The Epistle to the Romans


「死亡的意義就是不存在了;那些不存在的人,不再可以決定或行事,他也不能成為別人決定或行事的對象。死人復活並不是別人可以參與的一種可能性,當它發生了,就只有神是在那裡工作。叫死人起來,並賜死人生命,就像叫無有的成為有,是只有神能獨力完成的,完全沒有合作的可能。」(來11.19; 林後1.9; 羅4.17)

— Karl Barth, Church Dogmatics, IV/1, p.301。引自楊牧谷,《作祂的僕人—哥林多後書研讀》,頁174-5。

Welt ist Welt. Aber Gott ist Gott

五月十日是卡爾•巴特(Karl Barth)誕生的日子。當紀念這被稱為基督教其中一位最傑出神學家的120週年壽辰時,令我想起劉小楓教授的一篇文章「上帝就是上帝–紀念卡爾•巴特逝世二十周年」:





就在這不妨作為分水嶺的一九六八年,本世紀歐洲最傑出的新教神學家卡爾•巴特(Karl Barth)在瑞士巴塞爾逝世,似乎,他的生命、他的神學都是為著人世的困苦而存在,福樂與他無緣。的確,巴特的神學曾被稱為危機神學,它產生於危機之中,並在危機之中為維護上帝的話拼死搏鬥。


例如,一九三三年,希特拉掌權後即聲稱其政黨、國家和事業的神聖性,要求所有的人服從並獻身,聲稱其政治運動是神授意圖、具有啟示的根據,據此要求基督教會服從其領導,成為宣傳法西斯政治的工具(所謂愛國的德意志基督教);希特拉還多次召開宗教界名士座談,軟硬兼施,妄圖迫使他們認可世俗政權的神聖性。面對無恥強權和暴君,巴特給予了強有力的回擊:只有上帝才是神聖的,其神聖之言只是通過受難的耶穌基督表達出來。對一切冒充神聖的企圖,必須予以決不妥協的批判。一九三四年,在巴特的積極參預下,德國基督教新教各派領袖在魯爾地區的巴門召開了著名的反納粹會議,通過了由巴特一手促成的舉世聞名的《巴門宣言》(Barmen Declaration)。神學家巴特不僅以宏博的思想著稱,也以堅定的反納粹戰士聞名於世。

把世俗的權威神聖化、把歷史的政客偶像化、把世俗的政權神秘化,不僅西方有,東方也有,不僅過去有,現在還有,盡管人類曾為此付出過高昂的血的代價——但願人們永遠不會遺忘集中營的血跡——誰也不能保証將來不會重蹈可怕的神聖顛倒。就此而言,巴特的神學思想也就並不因他的去世而過時,也並不因社會已然或將要進入另一形態而過時。巴特所思考的問題並非只關涉某一時代或某一些人,而是關涉所有時代和所有的人。——如果中國人首先是人,當然也關涉到中國的人。巴特對一切自我神化的世俗思想堅決地回敬道:Welt ist Welt. Aber Gott ist Gott(世界就是世界。而上帝就是上帝)。這話對我們來說並非不著邊際。





一九一六年,巴特即著手《羅馬書注釋》一書的寫作,這部被譽為「投入神學家園地的一枚炸彈」的劃時代著作,以傳統注經學的形式來展開神學批判,重申上帝的超驗性。該書毫不含糊地開宗明義,「關於上帝的消息……絕非人的宗教學說」,「它不是一種真理,而是真理本身」,是die Sache selbst(實事本身),即「我們通過基督才能實現的對上帝的認識,在這一認識中,上帝並不與我們相對立,而是直接地、創造性地近臨我們」。








一九三三年,希特拉上台後,便開始神化德意志的歷史、種族和政治綱領,妄圖竊取神聖的地位。就在這一年,神學家巴特發表了一篇檄文《Theologische Existenz heute!》(如今神學尚存!),在德國發行了近四萬份,而且還寄給了希特拉本人。在這篇後來成為基督教新教認信會反納粹的基本文獻和《巴門宣言》的基礎的檄文中,巴特作為神學家明確表態;絕不允許把世俗形態的東西神聖化,也絕不允許把神聖的東西世俗化。





這一品質進而規定了基督教神學不可體系化,因為它不可能有終結,它永遠是neu mit dem Anfang anzufangen(重新從頭開始),永遠走在朝聖的路上——theologia viatorum(朝聖神學)。以為神學能造出一個純粹的教義體系,使基督教的本質一勞永逸地確立下來,實在是妄見。沒有謙卑,在巴特看來,神學是不可能的。

從基督教神學思想史角度來看,作為二十世紀新教神學奠基人、施萊爾瑪赫以後最偉大的新教神學家的巴特,重新高擎起啟示神學的大旗。但巴特絕不是非理性主義者。在他看來,上帝的啟示本身超逾了與理性的對立。基督教信仰從本質上說是fides buaerens intelle-ctum(尋求理智的信仰);啟示既不蒙騙理智,也不勾消理智,而是既使之謙卑,又激勵它,促成它。巴特不能容忍的是人在理解上帝時的任性、隨意和狂妄,一如我們中的一些人從未認真傾聽過上帝的話——耶穌的受難犧牲,就在那裡漫天咒罵上帝時暴露出的隨意和任性。



















A time-out with Judas

I needed a break so I took a day off and spent the afternoon at Angus Glen Library. Well, I think it is time for me to enjoy some of the public facilities in town which my tax money went to.

The place is great, WI-FI networked through and through. Almost every seat has a couple power outlets closed-by — good for laptop and other electronic devices. Tons of window seats (sunlight is always good for the eye), sofas, study desks, even a patio!.

I am not here for the books, but it does have a religion section, and they do have some good books in here (well, also some rather crappy ones). Basically it is similar to the religion section you found in  bookstores like Chapters and Indigo.

The place is filled with young people today. Well it is closed to the end of term, so what else will you expect? Also notice is that most of them seem to spent the time chitchatting with each other — another not-so-uncommon practice during the exam period.

Spent most of the time reading CD 2.2, particular Barth's brilliant exposition on Judas and Jesus as both the head of Israel (pp.458-506). Jesus is the Elected One who is rejected, and while in the betrayal, Christ meets Judas, the rejected apostle, still elected. Haven't read  CD in such detail since seminary years. It is always joyful reading Barth.

And by the way, Judas will be next in my character-study sermon series (June 18).