
the trail of a family becoming

CD pre-pub ends soon!

I first mentioned about the CD-Rom version of Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics back in 2006. Digitized by Logos, “this is the newly revised, forthcoming edition of Barth’s Church Dogmatics, which reflects the work of a team of leading experts at Princeton Theological Seminary’s Center for Barth Studies. It is not currently available in print. The text is presented in a new, user friendly format, and all Greek and Latin passages will include English translation alongside the original.”

The projected ship date is 4/21/2008. This means the pre-pub discount ($510.30 CAD /499.99 USD will end soon! (Sales price will be $714.38 CAD/ 699.95 USD after publication). The current paperback version is priced at $460 USD.

Anson, you HAVE to get this, or you will regret it later on!

[Logos: Barth’s Church Dogmatics Coming Soon!]
[Logos: Barth’s Church Dogmatics (14 volumes)]