
the trail of a family becoming

Mac typing annoyance

Ever since I switch to macbook, I have this occasional problem — When I am typing a email, or a word document or something — when I am typing, sometimes my cursor will move all of a sudden to a completely different line and place, I have absolutely no idea why this is happening.

It does not matter if I am using Thunderbird, MS Word or other programs. And it does not matter I am typing English or inputting Chinese through openVanilla or other input methods. And it does not matter I am using the macbook keyboard or my bluetooth keyboard…

Anyone has any idea why?

[This happened also when I was typing this email! The blinking cusor all of a sudden move 3-4 lines up (and in the middle of a word) when I was typing…]

Did I hit a shortcut key or something by accident, you think?