
the trail of a family becoming

Vancouver, here we come!

My family and I will head for Vancouver for a week. Other than taking a short time off (time-out?), Cc and I will have a short and private retreat with the retried Anglican Archbishop of South-East Asia, Archbishop Yong Ping Chung and his wife Julia.

On Tuesday night, I will then be ordained as deacon under AMiA (Anglican Mission in Americas). This is a crucial step for me to serve as pastor-in-charge of the new church-planting project in Toronto, Toronto Emmanuel Church, starting March 2009.

We are so grateful for God’s providence in the past few years in MGC. Please keep me and my family in your prayers as we step out, and get into this whole church-planting business! We believe that it will be a humbling, challenging and exciting step forward for us all at the same time!

Emmanuel – God with us!




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