
the trail of a family becoming

Miroslav Volf

I am going through 2 Cor 8-9 and the passage on Christian giving reminds me of a recent book Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace by the Croatian Theologain Miroslav Volf.

Taken from one of the biographical notes:

"A native of Croatia, he has forged a theology of forgiveness and non-violence in the face of the horrendous violence experienced in Croatia and Serbia in the 1990s. While he maintains active interest in many aspects of faith’s relation to culture, his primarily work has focused on theological understandings of work, the church, the Trinity, violence, reconciliation and memory."

You can read more about Volf's work from the Trinity Institute's 2006 National Theological Conference. The telecast can be found here (his section begins around 4'05'').