
the trail of a family becoming

Who/What are you, PCO?

As a Christian, don’t you feel that you are constantly invited to para-church “fund-raising dinners”, “walkathons”, or “vision-sharing nights” throughout the year? Besides begging for more money to save their financial statements that are blinking in bright red, you would also hear endless complaints of lacking resources, lacking space, lacking staff, lacking volunteers…… even though they have already sucked up most of the time and energy of regular parishioners, leaving vacuums in church ministries.

Don’t you feel tired of hearing those “same old, same old” by Fall every year? Anson raised an interesting question on what it might mean to the numerous Para-church Organizations (PCOs) during the time of a Financial Crisis.

And don’t forget to follow the even more thought-provoking exchange between him and our friend Alan@afc in the comment section!

[Anson, stop playing your guitar and those Jenga/Tetris/99 bricks!! You need to write more posts like this!]