
the trail of a family becoming

Comments Preachers Hate Most

John Ortberg helps preachers dealing with post-sermon remarks.

How many of them have you heard and/or said?

Preaching is a mysterious business, and in some ways it’s more mysterious to me now than when I started out. Sometimes the message you wish you could put in the discard pile will be the one God uses to change someone’s life. Giving a bad message can bring just the humility you need to remember that preaching—and the kingdom in general—is never subject to human management or control.

What should we aim to hear when we’re done preaching? After Jesus’ first sermon, people were cut to the heart, and they asked what they needed to do to be saved. That’s not a bad response to pray for. It sure beats Ruga Ruga Ruga.

Read the whole thing here.

[link: leadership journal]


Pulpit Personality?

…You know who I’m talking about. Numerous ministry leaders who are gracious, authentic, and engaging when talking with friends over lunch. But turn on the camera, or step into the pulpit, and they become someone else. Radio personalities suffer the same thing when they get in front of a microphone.

…Watch regular television and listen to the difference. Stop trying to be bigger than life. Be real. Speak normally. It doesn’t make you more anointed or powerful when you try to sound like God. Talk like everyone else, and you’ll be amazed at the connection.


Yes, that’s the key. Try talking with your friends the way you shout/yell/scream in the pulpit, I am sure they will send you to the psychiatric hospital.


可能你會奇怪,我是Comp. Eng出身的,為甚麼講道總是那麼Low-tech?

是的,我講道從來都不用PowerPoint(生平除了本年年初「基教主日」那次,是因為要做「經文湧現」的效果)。 因為對我來說,「聽」道是有它的聖經基礎和依據的;不是一班未開發、古代不學無術的蟻民,因為沒有選擇而逼於無奈的結果。



Pioneered at the University of NSW, the research shows the human brain processes and retains more information if it is digested in either its verbal or written form, but not both at the same time.

It also questions the wisdom of centuries-old habits, such as reading along with Bible passages, at the same time they are being read aloud in church. More of the passages would be understood and retained, the researchers suggest, if heard or read separately.



今天晚上參加一個基督教機構的聚餐,當中聽到戴繼宗牧師(James Hudson Taylor IV)的分享,但覺看見的比聽見的更多。聽見的是勸勉的話,但看見的卻是一個家庭、五代人對上主的忠誠、對中國人的熱愛。這樣的信息,比能聽見的信息震撼得多。







