
the trail of a family becoming

Living theologically

Orthodoxy, Orthopraxy, Orthopathy.

These 3 equally shared focuses will be the one direction of our Cantonese Sunday school for the next 3 years (and I pray for years to come).

To see what these 3 things convey, you can read the excellent article by R. Paul Stevens entitled Living Theologcally: Toward a Theology of Christian Practice.

What do you think?
後話:或者重申強調Orthopraxy, Orthopathy,可回應Hilda所說,今天「齋o翕多」的基督徒,所遺忘了的「一杯涼水」。

另外,讀郭鴻標的《歷代靈修傳統巡禮》,才發現Orthodoxy, Orthopraxy, Orthopathy的中譯是「正信」、「正行」和「正情」。