
the trail of a family becoming

Speaking of Love

I don’t normally do this, but I think it is too good to just refer you to a URL. So here is Byron’s entertaining (yet timely) translation of 1 Cor. 13:


A reflection on 1 Corinthians 13.1-3

You might have the impressive verbal gifts that the Christians in ancient Corinth loved: you might be eloquent and persuasive, funny and entertaining; you might speak English at home, Italian in the marketplace, Lithuanian on the dance-floor and Mandarin at press conferences; you might even speak as the angels do – but without love, you¡¦re a dog barking at 3 am, a stereo turned up to eleven while waiting at the lights. Without love, you¡¦re just a noise filling the airwaves.

You might have the gifts of knowledge and communication that the apostle Paul seemed to love: you might write the book that answers all our questions about God; you might get invited to speak at conferences in front of hundreds; your blog might be read by thousands from around the world and get links from Faith and Theology – but without love, you¡¦re a zero.

Or you might have the gifts that Jesus seems to have particularly loved: you might have so much faith that you can be a landscape developer all by yourself; you might give more money to poor than the tax office knows you have; you might sponsor a whole village full of starving children; you might risk your reputation or even your life for honouring Jesus – but without love, it¡¦s all a waste of time.

Love is necessary. Cut love out of Christianity and we may as well pack up shop tomorrow. Without love, we¡¦re just another peddler of dodgy goods in the spiritual marketplace. If we don¡¦t or won¡¦t love one another, then let¡¦s sleep in on Sunday mornings, or take the kids to sport, or go to that family event. If God doesn¡¦t actually love us, if we don¡¦t really care about the person next to us, our gatherings, our prayers, our songs, our reading, our silence, our proclamation, our lives and deaths are pointless.

Love is crucial.