
the trail of a family becoming

Fighting spam comments

To fight the super-annoying spam comments, I am now using wp-spamfree. With it, you don’t need to enter any word or character from the captcha image anymore!! Seems like it is working pretty well, for it says that WP-SpamFree has blocked 184 spam comments since I installed it yesterday!

Can you do me a favor and do some comment-testing to see if it is really working properly?

Update: Thanks Chung for suggesting, I am now giving Akismet another try.


Okay. I know that for posting comment, sometimes the captcha image can be hard to decipher. And for some strange reasons, the refresh is not really working and most of the time, your comment is gone and you have to type it all over again.

I have changed the captcha to a web service called reCAPTCHA. What’s good is that the input can be verified on the spot and it will not clear the comment entered. More than that, every time when you key in the words, it will help the OCR over at Internet Archive to digitize their books better!

Permalinks not working…

Not sure since when, but permalinks are currently not working. If you have been clicking on any links from this site and they always refer you back to the frontpage, you know what I am talking about.

[Tech Talk: There seems to be something wrong with Apache/htaccess on Powweb, so I am reverting all links syntax back to wordpress default]

I have made some temporary adjustments in the mean time. Let me know if you encounter any more issues.



Update (Aug 22 2007): Issue has been fixed by Powweb. Hopefully it will not happen again.