
the trail of a family becoming

Christocentric, not Christomonic

I agree that the Bible is Christocentric: the gospel as the center of the Bible is a story of how Jesus as Israel’s Messiah has come to restore the world through is death and resurrection.  However, how can we understand the New Covenant work of the God-sent Messiah without understanding his Spirit-anointing which brings about a transformation of believers’ hearts as a fulfillment of the New Covenant?

I couldn’t agree more. Read the whole thing here.



Why Everything Must Change 的 conference 裡,第一次真正聽Baxter Kruger 分享,講的是他最精的三一神學。聽罷,有一種不能不讚嘆神的激動。所以,風聞種耔為他出小書 Parable of the Dancing God 的中文版,我則寫了個書介,期望更多華語信徒能經歷這種恩悅。

[link: seedxpress]