
the trail of a family becoming



Are Christians Too Political?

From Fermi Project:

It seems these days, Christians have been asked to stand behind their political perspectives with unprecedented fervor. Even within the Christian community, there is stark contrast and heated discussion. And whether you find yourself aligning more closely with the views of Senator McCain or Obama, it’s likely that your decision was not made lightly.

So, does this make the Christians appear defensive and too political, in the eyes of the general public?

Gabe Lyons and Dave Kinnaman have re-released their chapter speaking into these compelling discoveries of unChristian. This chapter, called “Too Political,” includes research regarding the perception of Christians and their role in the current political environment. Hear the authors discuss new research on this very timely topic in a Fermi Podcast, here.

The free chapter, called “Too Political,” is available for download as a PDF on

US or Canada, as we are approaching the election, I think it is worthwhile to take a look at the issues and perceptions.
