
the trail of a family becoming

in the bond of love

What is it that makes a bunch of Christians, who never met before in their entire life, sing and share and live together as a family in the bond of love?

Yes, this is communion of saints as it should be.

On the way…

I am on the way again. My 5-day conference is over. Will hit the road soon. For my friends in Toronto, see you tomorrow!

And so it begins…

And so it begins:

It is midnight and I am finally in Greensboro, NC. No, nothing unexpected happened. Just that my connecting flights are hours apart…

But I do thank my sister for getting my battery charger and cell phone all the way from home to the airport!

Heading to NC

I will spent most of today traveling to NC to attend the 2009 AMiA Winter Conference until the end of the week. Blogging will (hopefully) continue once I settle down.