
the trail of a family becoming

Word, Spirit & Sacraments

I can’t say it any better than Michael Bird, so I will just reproduce it here:

1. If you focus predominantly on the power of the preached Word, but push the Sacraments to the corner and domesticate the Spirit to suit your theology, then you’ll turn the church into a Mosque.

2. If you focus on the experience and euphoria of the Spirit, and have the Word eviscerated into some pop-psychology, and relegate the Sacraments to something too “liturgical” and passe you’ll soon find yourself practicing Mysticism.

3. If you focus on the Sacraments as instruments through which we encounter God, but reduce the Word to sound bites of moral advice, and censure the Spirit as the concern of a few eccentric enthusiasts, then you’ll find yourself pushing Magic.


Word(聖言), Spirit(聖靈) & Sacraments(聖禮), which leg(s) does your church use for standing?