
the trail of a family becoming


Well, as your can see, the upgrade went quite well. I spent half a day and most of the major functionalities are up and running now.

As mentioned before, fine-tuning will continue. And if you spot any unexpected behaviors from the site, let me know.

Upgrade underway

WordPress 2.5 has just been released today (Mar 29). As the site has been running on 2.0.4 for quite some time now, I think it is time to upgrade to a new release soon. So starting Monday, the site will be intermittent for a few days.

While fine tuning will no doubt continue in the next few weeks, I hope everything will go smoothly and the major functionalities will be up mid-week next week!

Recent Modified Posts

Sometimes I update earlier posts. Although WP has a field in the posts table to record the last modified time, it is not easily access or use to show updated posts or to display them in a list form. The alternate way is to modify the time-stamp of the post itself, but that would change the permalink and make external referral a big issue.

As a result, I have written a few lines of codes to pull together a list of recently modified posts and place it on the sidebar to the right. Check it out from time to time to see more info I put in previous posts.


I am learning about and playing with Technorati tags lately. Blogging is such a wonderful thing. You can see if people linked to your blog entries and also what other people are saying about the same topic…. such endless possibilities!

Now, only if I can update my entire blog entries (all 322 of them) by tagging them…