
the trail of a family becoming

My 2005 highlights

Going through my blog, I have picked 10 things as highlights of my life in 2005.

In chronological order:

1) Left the Anglican church and begin worshipping at MGC (of AGC) (January).

2) Jocelyn was born on April 8

3) Agatha and Bell visited (July 3)

4) Preached and shared in a day of retreat in Boston. Great time staying at Anson & Charis’ place  (July 23 & 24)

5) Mom, Dad and aunt Kitty moved to Toronto for good (August)

6) Wrote several posts on 梁家麟教授 (August and onwards)

7) I was invited to serve in adult Sunday school department (September) 

8) 5th Aunt passed away (November) 

9) I resigned from work, working towards serving in full-time ministry (November 14) 

10) My little piece on Barth’s exegesis got mentioned by Australian theologian Ben Myers in his blog (December)

What are your hightlights last year? 

Filed by edmund at 12.16 am under Faith,Family,Friends |

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