
the trail of a family becoming





感謝神,我還on track,不過星期日通常特別早起,所以那日的經文還是和星期一的一同看。 另外,每天我也寫 journal,將我讀經的感受和疑問寫下。用英文,每天700字左右,是一邊讀、一邊寫的。讀完,就看著寫下的感受來禱告。

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Filed by edmund at 8.52 am under Faith |


  1. Peggy

    I’m following your plan too. I’ve been doing 3 chapters of OT, 2 chapters of NT, 1 chapter in Psalm, and a few verses in Proverb. But my goal is to finish reading the Bible and I’m reading while working out so not as detail as you’re doing. But hey, by combining the 2 activities I can get done the 2 things I need motivations the most ^^

  2. Good good good! But please don’t tell Cc that you’ve successfully combined both activities!

    Anybody else?

  3. Margaret

    Hehe…so far so good. I am following the reading chart from church. Read 3 chapters during my lunch time and write up a short journal at night time. I need to read at night over the weekend (just can’t wake up early). Wow…this time when I was reading the gospel of Mark, I cried. It was so unexpected. Hey…God’s words are so powerful. Let you know more when I see you =)!

  4. Anson

    I’m on my 8th week out of the 12 weeks. I covered 17 books in the NT already and I anticipate to complete on Feb 11th. I picked my favourite verses from each day’s reading, which I’ll post online when I’m done.

    Let’s +oil!

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