
the trail of a family becoming


在sidebar的項目中有一個是“Books in Hand”,都是我正在看的書。我不時也會更新它。不過並非全部…


  1. 聖經 新譯本 〔清晨〕
  2. 1-2 Corinthians (NCBC) 〔有空檔的時候〕
  3. 哥林多前書—教會時弊的良方—愛 〔有空檔的時候〕
  4. 聖經 The Message 〔在車中〕
  5. 新品種的基督徒 〔如廁時〕
  6. 教會大變身–後現代教會發展新思維 〔睡前〕
  7. Prince Caspian 〔睡前〕




"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them."
—Mark Twain

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Filed by edmund at 5.46 pm under Culture,Faith |


  1. Peggy

    1. – 團契指定讀物。讀到他慘被賣豬仔去大陸﹔又如何跳過晒所有追求過程﹐無喇喇叫個女仔寄執頭髮俾佢。
    2. 臺灣推理短篇小說 – 那個因為我知道agape的意思而說我”好厲害喔”的臺灣作家的作品。
    3. 工作上無數的industry research, business plans, reports 等等。都有有趣發現。
    4. CBV 的course notes – 最逼切要讀完﹐但亦讀得最慢,一日都讀唔到一頁… =__=|||

  2. Jessie

    聖經, 聖經, and 聖經….no, I do not read several different bibles, but I read different books in the bible for different purposes.

    Also, I still have Purpose Driven Life to finish…

    Besides that, I am also reading Hudson and Mary – it is about a love story, very interesting. Another one is called Residential Real Estate Transactions for my real estate course. How do I feel about this book? Boring but practical. Exam is coming very soon, gotta finish it by the end of this month, sigh….

    What else? I have just finished reading a cooking book called Cooking With Friends by Trish Deseine. Very interesting and attractive one, it has a lot of creative and simple recipes inside, the most remarkable one is dessert sushi. Interested? Feel free to ask me.

  3. Peggy

    Hudson and Mary is my #1 there in my previous comment

  4. Peggy

    update 少少。在網上訂的推理小說已經到了。
    尼羅河魅影之謎 by 林斯諺
    超能殺人基因 by 既晴
    錯置體 by 藍霄

  5. My goodness, are you planning to change career and become a private eye?

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