
the trail of a family becoming


Anson 在他的讀經中有很好的領受,或者可以幫助你明白怎樣寫靈修日誌。當然,他的分享嚴格來說並非靈修日誌,這是他向他blog的讀者的分享。靈修日誌,我想,可以更personal一點。

他剛讀到馬太福音(你的新約速讀不是從頭開始嗎?怎麼現在才讀馬太福音?)。我one year bible的新約部份也在馬太福音。讀到第九章時,我寫道:


9:13 "I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Once again, Jesus refuses the play the game of humans. When He calls Matthew, He is refusing to call somebody else — He is refusing to play the games of the Pharisees and the Teachers of the Law. He is telling all of us that He is here to call those that need Him, not those that question Him; not those that challenge His way of doing things, or His way to save us.

9:17 What Jesus doing is a new thing. To accept the new thing, we must accept the fact that we need a new way to perceive this. Our old containers can not sustain Jesus’ teachings and His way of doing things anymore. Unless we give that up and start with Him again altogether, we will never understand Him and we will never understand ourselves.


By the way, I just learned that I became a "one year bible blogger (OYBB)"! Good, another acronym, just what I need!

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Filed by edmund at 10.21 pm under Faith |


  1. Anson

    I’m not reading from Matthew is because of a special arrangement by the author of the 12 week reading program. Here you may look at the reasons behind:

  2. Anson, that’s an interesting arrangement. But I think it actually makes a lot of sense when grouping according to the authors/traditions.

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