
the trail of a family becoming

50 Most Influential Christians?

I am looking at this list and the only thought that comes to my mind is that, "Boy, Christians in American are surely narrowly minded!"  I don’t intend to offend anyone, but if you go through this list with me and understand that these are what Americans think as the Top 50 Christians in America,  I am sure you will feel the same too.

For example:

  1. If your lastname is "Graham", you are on the list.
  2. If your church has more than 5000 people, you are on the list.
  3. If your last name is "Hinn" and you claimed to be a healer, you are on the list. And not only you are on, but apparently you are voted as more important than the head of the 1-billion-members Roman Catholic Church.
  4. And speaking of that, why is Pope Bendict XVI even on this list? Is Vatican now a US state, just like Canada? I thought this is a "in America" list?!
  5. Last but not least, Dr. Phil is on the list? AYKM?

I am sure this list will provoke you with a lot of thoughts and comments. But at a deeper level, if this is truly representative, and that these 50 people are the MOST Influential Christians (I am not saying that they are not important) which Americans can think of, I think there is something seriously wrong with where the Church is heading.


Filed by edmund at 9.36 am under Faith |

One Comment

  1. Anson

    I always like Jesus’ saying “But many who are first will be last, and the last first.” (Mark 10:31)

    If these people are so fond of making lists and ranking themselves, ha, let God reverse the list in His day.

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