
the trail of a family becoming

Downtown Edmonton?

My friend Peggy (aka. "#1 fan of my blog") is having a business trip to Edmonton and she is staying in a hotel somwhere around downtown Edmonton.

Well, all I have to say is… GOOD LUCK Peggy! There is virtually NOTHING in that part of the city (ie. LIFE), only  business buildings where people are rushing to get out after 5pm.

So here is your chance, Edmontonians! Help me tell her what she can do after work — where to go, what to see, eat, visit, etc….. 

And a grand prize will be awarded to the person whose suggestion is best. The grand prize will be my blessing to stay in Edmonton for the rest of your life. 

Filed by edmund at 3.50 pm under Friends |


  1. Peggy

    不單公司﹐整個downtown 都靜得出奇。朝早8﹕30條街都只得小貓三四隻﹐和多倫多8﹕00 已經人山人海比﹐你會以為downtown Edmonton 發生大瘟疫。
    我一晚7﹕30pm 走﹐公司一個人都無﹐連清潔阿嬸都走埋。在多倫多﹐有時7﹕30pm走我都係第一個走。

  2. Peggy, don’t be sad. I promise I will blog on “top 10 things to do in Edmonton” tomorrow! Stay tuned!

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