
the trail of a family becoming


很久沒有甚麼題目可供大家發表意見,見近期Faith and Theology那邊談及「二十位神學家,並為何會喜歡他們」,我也想大家湊湊熱鬧…



  1. 作者不分中外,出名與否。你何時遇上這位作者(的著作)?
  2. 你喜歡他/她甚麼?
  3. 如果要你介紹他/她的其中一般作品,那會是甚麼?


獨樂樂不如眾樂樂!Come on!

Filed by edmund at 7.54 pm under Faith |


  1. Anson

    John G. StackhouseHumble Apologetics

    I first met Stackhouse during a seminar in Regent teaching students “How to read and write better”. He’s a young-looking professor with a passion for the young and postmodern generation. His book Humble apologetics is the first book that broadened my mind and faith regarding evangelism, saving us from suffocating fundamentalism and cold-hearted apologetics, not just merely trying to “save souls” but working with God to bring “shalom” to this world. This book also has a few interesting sections about the postmodern and consumeristic generation, and how we ought to engage them in apologetics that works. If you think the attitude of Josh McDowell’s “The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict” is not working (note: it is the “attitude” of apologetics afterall, not the contents), this one is definitely recommended. This author is trying to find a more humble and softer way out, especially when we notice we live in a pluralistic and postmodern world, as opposed to the traditional evangelical apologetics that is sometimes too cocky, which turns people away instead of winning their hearts. The first chapter is viewable in Amazon. If you find this chapter engaging, I bet you’ll finish this book in 2 days, which I really did.

    BTW Edmund, can you increase this textbox that I’m typing in? It’s pretty hard to type a long message in this small textbox…thanks!

    Update: The introduction of Humble Apologetics is actually here, not on Amazon.

  2. Done! And thanks for your post.

    I actually took the liberty of compiling all your comments into one, hope you don’t mind.

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