
the trail of a family becoming


英巴出局, 我懷疑還有多少華人會繼續看世界杯?


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Filed by edmund at 3.47 pm under Culture |


  1. After watching quite a bit of hockey earlier this year, somehow I don’t find watching soccer as exciting as before. Maybe put it this way … I don’t find a lot of good team work in any of the soccer teams. Say, if a key player in the team has an injury or got a red card, then there is not much left to see in the match.
    Oh … and the referees … I do think they have made more mis-judgments than before. I think they should add “instant replay” at least for the more critical moments to ensure a more objective decision.

  2. Wow Horace, I think this is first proof that you have been “North-Americanized”!

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