
the trail of a family becoming


Test-Makeup-01cell-phone-72.jpg可能自己有小朋友的關係,所以當Mark Roberts說到在飛機上狂哭的嬰兒會令人發癲,我卻沒有甚麼應同。不過他繼續說到崇拜時,手機鈴聲的此起彼落的困擾,我就實在不能不說「阿們」!

或者,我們真的要改改「主在聖殿中」的歌詞 ,以至每次崇拜的開始都有「口唱心和」的提醒:

「主在聖殿中 主在聖殿中
普天下的人 在主面前 都應當肅靜
手機 Call機 通通肅靜 拜託」

Filed by edmund at 10.57 am under Faith |


  1. Fanny


  2. Are you laughing at the modified lyrics or the fact that the preacher and all b/s have to bear with those endless ringtones ringing throughout the service?

    I just find it sad when people can not even pay their minimal respect, while we claim to be worshipping the Lord Almighty – Maker, Saviour and Sustainer of all.

  3. Fanny

    of course I was laughing at your “so perfect” modified lyrics…I was singing out loud you know!
    Seriously, I agree what you’ve said the above but we really can do nothing except continuously bear the annoying ringtones! I’m sad too but 愛是恆久忍耐。

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