
the trail of a family becoming

I have no choice but…..

Moving to the new hosting company has been a pain all along. The new site has such limited support and many of the extended modules in php are not even available. Not to mention the countless database disconnections…. lots of people complain to me about my blog not available or missing the sidebar frequently.

And because of the move, I was able to clean up all things in my old powweb account and start anew (vs. the endless migration process). So since now everything is running fine at powweb. I have switched back!

Sorry, Powweb, I was wrong…… please accept me back. 

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Filed by edmund at 1.56 pm under Tech |


  1. Anson

    Haha, is that what “repentance of an apostate” means?

  2. “I swear to tell the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so please help me god.”

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