
the trail of a family becoming



坦白說,我也不知可以用甚麼方法鼓勵他們不要如此作,因為每當討論這個題目的時候,沒有人會有耐性和興趣拿出厚厚的法例來讀。而就算讀了,我們也有太多的「似是而非」、 「似非而是」的原因為我們的行為護航。我們有太多的「我知不對…但是」去合理化一切。



Software for Starving Students is a free collection of programs organized for students (but available to anyone). We’ve gathered a list of best-in-class programs onto one CD (one disc for OS X, one for Windows), including a fully-featured office suite, a cutting-edge web browser, multi-media packages, academic tools, utilities and more.


Filed by edmund at 12.53 pm under Culture,Tech |


  1. 契女

    Thank you for your comment and suggestion.

    In my opinion, I think we have the intelligence to distinguish right or wrong because we are His children and the Holy Spirit is with us. For this reason, we should have no excuse to cover….but if this is not the case, may God give us wisdom to wisdom to see His righteousness and know how to respond in our daily life.

  2. Anson

    I dug up some sharing I wrote back in 2002 about piracy. Stopping pirating habits and essentially deleting (or throwing away) all past pirated stuff is such a liberating experience, i.e. to be able to have a good conscience in front of God.

  3. I think the problem is not whether we know or not, but we “want to” know or not. I doubt if there are anyone out there that do not feel such action is at least questionable; but many would have stand up and try to defend their acts with all sorts of reasons to make the acts legitimate.

    Such responses make discussions and suggestions next to impossible.

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