
the trail of a family becoming

Just some things to share

I am very happy last week that I was able to spent some time on a Sat with Cc and Jocelyn — we didn't went any where particular; just being together. Sometimes I feel that Jocelyn must be very confused about her mom and dad, as she always sees her dad in the morning (but not mom); and she will always see her mom at night (but not dad). Seldom is there a chance (except on Sunday at church) that she sees both her parents together.

Another thing I want to say is a big "thank you" to May and Raymond willing to take care of J from time and time on a weekend when I am busy at church and Cc needs take care of some other tasks.

Starting April, Cc will be teaching Sunday School again. I am very proud of her genuine heart to serve, even though she can have all the excuses anyone can think of for not doing so. Sometimes, I am really disappointed when something happened to us (be it illness, happenings in life, career issues, family issues, etc, etc….) and the "instant" response from us Christians is to give up Sunday worship, fellowship time and/or serving roles in order to "save time". I am not trying to offend people, but I deeply saddened by the fact that people do not treasure the opportunities to experience God's grace despite of their busy schedule or troubles; rather, the first thing we do is to give Him up, or give up the group of Christians whom we is called by God to be in.

I feel sad because by doing so, so much blessings and so much good experiences have been lost — all because we try to take everything in our own hands and to "fix it" ourselves.

As some of you might know, I have been sick for almost 3 weeks non-stop. It affects my sleep and of course for Cc's since I am coughing all night. But I am equally thankful (despite of the sickness) that He has given me enough strength to complete what I have to do each week — no more (that I will take pride on myself), and no less (that I will feel shameful).

I am preaching this Sunday and my Sunday school on Galatians will conclude as well. I hope that you can pray for me.

Filed by edmund at 2.02 pm under Faith,Family,Friends |

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