
the trail of a family becoming

EFC Questions for Candidates


Ontario Election 2007 –
Sample Questions for Candidates

Parents have primary responsibility for nurturing and educating children. The Bible tells us that we are responsible
to teach our children about what God has done.

The classroom is an important place for children to learn about the nature of the world and their role in it. All education is based on the educators’ worldview about what is ultimately important; in other words, all education is based on faith beliefs of one kind or another. A secular worldview, which restricts the religious worldview to private life, has become the prevailing framework of Ontario’s public school system.

Currently in Ontario, a component of all property taxes collected is designated for either the public school boards or Catholic school boards. The only publicly funded faith-based schools are Catholic schools. The United Nations has found Ontario to be in violation of obligations to provide publicly funded education on an equal basis to all faith groups if it is going to provide funding to any faith group.

In addition to Catholic schools, do you support the extension of public funding to other faith-based schools?

God has established families to provide physical, emotional and spiritual care for their members. Marriage is a lifelong covenant between a man and a woman and forms the foundation of families.

Canadian families are increasingly under stress. Family breakdown is common, with 37% of marriages expected to end in divorce within 30 years. Children are experiencing their parents’ separation at increasingly younger ages. As the Canadian population ages, parents become increasingly dependent on their children for assistance. Also, recently, the Supreme Court of Canada declined to allow an appeal of the so-called “Three Parents” case from Ontario. The Supreme Court decided only on the basis that the proper party to appeal the decision was the Attorney-General of Ontario and was clear not to endorse the decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal noted its decision to allow a third legal parent for a child was an exceptional use of its power based on the situation before them and the fact that the Ontario legislature had not reviewed the Children’s Law Reform Act in over thirty years.

Do you support a family impact assessment of provincial programs and policies?
What steps do you propose to confirm a maximum of two parents as the standard for a child in Ontario?
Are there any additional actions you intend to take to re-establish certainty in Ontario’s family law?

Poverty and Homelessness
As Christians, we are called to care for and bring good news to the poor and the vulnerable, and to uphold the dignity of all persons.

Poverty and homelessness are complex issues that defy a single, simple solution. Though there are common risk factors for homelessness, including family breakdown and violence, unemployment, substance abuse, mental and physical illness, those who are homeless face their own unique circumstances.

What will you do to address poverty in Ontario, particularly as it affects families and their ability to care adequately for their children?
What specific measures will you take to assist the homeless?

Filed by edmund at 11.22 pm under Faith |

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