
the trail of a family becoming

What does your desktop/laptop look like?

Hey, can we begin a round of captures of your computer screens?

Feel free to email me your screen capture or provide the URL of your upload in the comment section.

So far, we have:

  1. Edmund@home
  2. Edmund@work
  3. Peggy@work
  4. Maggie@work
  5. Fanny@work
  6. Jessica@work
Filed by edmund at 1.23 pm under Tech |


  1. Peggy

    well….for me, as u can tell from my desktop, the line between work stuff and personal stuff is pretty blur…..

    and yes, I’m working now…..

  2. As for me, you will notice my work and home desktops are almost the same. I took out all of the desktop icons a while ago and use the mac-like “dock” instead. As you can tell, most of the things I like are, in a sense, minimalistic. I like it when it gives me the sense of simplicity and that I can focus on what I need to do.

  3. Peggy

    i’m totally the reverse. i need to know things “are there” to be working comfortably because then i can work at my own pace.

    funny to see how different people comes together…

  4. I agree (Peggy). Fanny and Maggie, care to explain?

  5. Maggie

    As for me, I change the desktop background almost weekly, that just shows how \\

  6. Maggie

    Oops, the complete the above sentence, it just shows how “flower hearted” I am. Also, I TRY not to have too many
    icons on my desktop by sorting files in folders, otherwise it would defeat the purpose of having a background picture,

    haha…that’s just me…

  7. Fanny

    Background photo taken by ex-colleague who just visited Japan’s Sakura season. He is a good photographer. I love flower which give me peace of mind while getting crazy in workplace.
    I separate different icons to 4 corners for easy access; Top left: system & office. Top right: accounting software. Bottom left: project folders. Bottom right: personal and daily folders. As you can see my bottom taskbar….so many things going on….my daily duties just require me to be like “three heads six arms” but of cause I visit friends’ blog during minute break and gmail talk as well….hehe….(no facebook, msn, hotmail, youtube in the office, if not…taskbar would be packed! keke..)

  8. Peggy

    To Maggie,

    I think our desktop pictures just reflect the “quality” of guys in a professional office. That we need to go to our desktop for something worthwhile to stare at.


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