
the trail of a family becoming



We all agree that there are issues to be dealt with in the short history of North American Chinese church, e.g. generation gap. On the other hand, we always try our best in dealing with these issues, e.g. by accommodating or inventing new ways of resolving the problems. But as you look at this generation, it seems to me there is a gap that runs deeper than simply style of music, choice of instrument, or ministry strategy. There seems to be something more fundamental in terms of how the next generation approaches faith. First of all would you agree with that assessment?


Tonight’s dialogue is encouraging and much needed in our Chinese churches. I also found it to be troubling because as I listened to the four panelists here, it becomes apparent to me that we have different opinions on, for example, what is the current post-modern thought about authority. There are big differences in terms of what we see is happening. This reaffirms to me that there needs to be more dialogue in the future.



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Filed by edmund at 8.11 pm under Culture,Faith |


  1. Anson

    Thanks Edmund for this eye-opening dialogue (or monologues).
    All I see is one side being filled with fear, standing in a defensive position and guarding the faith, while throwing out jargons they don’t understand and make them scapegoats to explain the phenomenon they are losing control of.
    And the other side is more like explorers and adventurers, saying to themselves like in Tim Hughes’ song Consuming Fire: “There must be more than this….”

    It’s time for the older generation to step down and let the new rise.

  2. 契女

    Very interesting! And coincidentally Out of Ur’s Jan 9th posting “Disarming the Boomers” also touched on a related topic – Can a younger pastor bring change without getting blown away? It’s a good read too.

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